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Hub caps and wheel cover
[Part 2 - 1980 and up]
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So many new models of Cadillac wheel covers, wire wheel covers, aluminum wheels, wire wheels and wheel hub caps have appeared since the early eighties that it is no longer possible to identify, with any degree of certainty, the year of a given Cadillac model simply by looking at the style of the wheel or wheel cover. Indeed, it is not uncommon for Cadillac to have offered five or six different wheel covers (or cast aluminum wheels) for any given year and then, to complicate matters, to make them available for two or three model years in a row.
I am sure you sharp-eyed "modern" Cadillac owners/admirers will catch a few errors and omissions in this page; please be sure to contact me with additions and corrections as necessary. Thanks!
And for those who are looking to buy hab caps and wheel covers or to get additional images, especially of late-model covers, I recommend a visit to this site [the link was working in 2006 but I can't guarantee its permanence].
Modern-day Hub Caps and Wheel Covers
[ 1980-2002 ]
Center cap for modern repro
of 1953 Eldorado spoke wheel
All: 1980-81 Sedan DeVille
1 2
(1) >>>>> ???, (2)+(2a)
1980-81 Fleetwood Brougham, (3) 1980-81 Seville
Above: (1) 1980-81 Brougham d'Elegance,
(2) 1981-82 Eldorado, (3) 1982 De Ville
(1) 1982-1991 optional wire wheel cover,
(2) 1983-1991 Fleetwood optional wire wheel cover
(3) A custom wire wheel from 1981
(1) 1983-84 Eldorado and Seville,
standard, (2) 1983-84 optional, turbine vane,
(3) 1983-84 optional Fleetwood, turbine vane, (4) 1983-84 optional
non-Fleetwood, turbine vane
(1) 1983-86 DeVille standard, (2) 1983-86 Fleetwood Brougham
Special cast alloy wheels for 1983 CART-PPG show car (left) and Cimarron
(1) 1983-86 Fleetwood, (2) 1984-86 Eldorado
wire wheel cover
1985 standard
(1) 1987 standard, (2) 1986-92 (?), (3) 1986 Fleetwood
(1) 1988, (2) 1988 special Spring Edition
De Ville model, (3) 1987 optional, (4) 1989-90 standard
The cover on the left was identified kindly by
Database visitor, Derek, as Cragar, 30-spoke
Star Wires; Derek had a set on his '84 Eldorado; they are the
front-wheel drive version and are
no longer in production; wire wheel on right (1981) is similar but has many more
Chrome and light aluminum alloy wheels
(1) 1983-86 Cimarron regular, (2)
1983-86 Cimarron optional
(1) 1983 Seville, (2) 1983-85 wire
wheel, (3) 1983-86 optional, (4) 1985 Seville wheel
Here's something a little different:
a Continental kit for the 1985 Cadillac
(1) 1983-85 optional aluminum alloy wheel, (2)
1986-87 Eldorado wheel, also 1992 Eldorado
(3) 1986-87 Eldorado optional wheel, (4) 1985-87 standard wheel,
(1) 1987-1993 Allanté wheel, (2) 1989
standard wheel, (3) 1990 STS wheel
(1) 1983-92 optional wire, (2) 1991-94
Fleetwood and De Ville models [possibly other years and models],
(3) 1991 De Ville coupe, (4) 1992 Touring sedan
(1) 1991-92 DeVille standard 15",
(2) 1989-91 STS, (3) 1991 Eldorado and 1992-94 Seville,
(4) 1990-92 optional 16"
(1) 1991 optional, (2) 1991-92 standard +
1991-93 Fleetwood models, (3) 1994 ETC (4)
1993-94 DeVille sedan and 1992-94 ETC
(1) 1991-92 standard, (2) 1991 Eldorado
[optional], (3) 1991Fleetwood and 1992 Eldorado and Seville,
(4) 1993 De Ville and Allanté + 1994 ETC
(1) Regular cover (satin finish), 1992-97, (2)
1992 Touring Sedan,
Above: (1) 1993 LSE show car [used
later as regular wheel on 1997 SLS], (2) standard wheel for 1993
Fleetwood models, (3) 1994 Fleetwood sedan,
(4) 1994 Fleetwood optional, (5) 1994 De Ville [standard]
(1) 1994 De Ville [optional], (2) ETC,
(2 and 3) 1994 DeVille, (4) 1994 Fleetwood
(1) 1997 SLS, (2) 1997 Catera
[satin finish], (3) 1997 Catera [chrome finish], (4) 1997 Catera
1996, optional alloy wheel
(1) 1997 DeVille, optional, (2 and 3)
1997 STS
(1) 1997 Eldorado [satin finish], (2)
1997 Eldorado [chrome finish], (3) 1997 Seville [satin
finish], (4) 1997 Seville [chrome finish]
(1) 1998 Eldorado [satin finish], (2)
1998 Eldorado [chrome finish],
(3) 1998 Eldorado Touring Coupe [optional gold accents], 1999 special
alloy wheel
Above two rows: (1) 2000 Catera [satin
finish], (2) 2000 Catera [chrome finish],
(3) 2000 De Ville [satin finish], (4) De Ville optional [chrome
finish], (5) 2000 Seville[m wlesc17 ]
16" alloy wheel for Cadillac STS
17" alloy wheels for Cadillac Escalade
Formerly unidentified wheels/wheel covers
The center cap on the
left had me stumped. Thanks to enthusiast, Bill Sadler, we now have
full story; this is an optional part that was used in conjunction with the
cover on the right. On the 1975-1984 regular De
Ville coupe and sedan, the
crest was used as shown (right). On the Fleetwood and RWD
same assembly was used but with a different center cap which included
full wreath and crest. 1975-1979 covers had 2
optional locks installed
the edge of the assembly. In 1980 the design was changed to a center lock,
beneath a removable crest. Circa 1985-1987
this was changed to a larger
cover with the red surround. Since the "regular" RWD DeVille
longer existed, all caps had the full wreath and crest
Wheel Center Caps
Left: Database user, John C. Jenness, kindly
identified the wheel center cap on the left; he wrote: it belongs to a
1981 Seville. I own one with those wheels; they were optional, as were
authentic wire wheels; the center caps
you have pictured have the gold crest; they were available also in silver; the
alloy wheels my car has may have been
applied to other year Sevilles, I'm not sure, but they are correct for mine; the
owners manual shows them as an option.
Center: wheel cover center emblem, 1986-1988
Far right: Late 80s Seville center cover ?
Unidentified '80s or '90s regular or
after-market hub caps (for wire wheels)? Who can identify them?
Custom wheels are all the rage, mainly
among African American buyers
[ this one is by 310 Motoring ]
These were mounted on a custom
1984 Cadillac El Ballero
Modern-built wire wheels and mlon or spinner caps
(2005-06) for Eldorado models of 1976-78
This unique wire wheel carries the logo (right) of
the builder of "Tequila Sunset"
a fabulous custom 1953 "Eldo-Roadster" by Austalian cartoonist, Paul Zanetti
I don't think this "hub cap" is off a
nevertheless, it does make an interesting statement
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© 1996, Yann Saunders and the Cadillac-LaSalle
Club, Inc.
[ Background image: superimposed Cadillac and La Salle emblems, 1929 ]