(1) [best piece for the year] color catalog, 10½x12"
(31x27cms) [lf], 20 pp., white cover, red square with "V" & crest,
line drawing top LH [rear view, couple alighting at hotel], title Cadillac for
Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, original envelope with similar layout concentrated top LH
side, small view of red sedan before town hall (p.3), [interior views with each model], Series
61 blue coupe (p.4), tan sedan (p.5), Series 62 cream convertible (p.6),
green sedan (p.7), blue coupe (p.8), cream & brown Coupe de Ville (p.9), red Series
60-S sedan (pp.10-11), Series 75 black sedan (p.12), interior of sedan &
limousine (p.13), interior & extended details (pp.14-15), motor (p.16), Hydra-Matic
(p.17), specifications (p.18) {*}

(2) 2-tone green catalog, 24x19cms (9x7½") [lf], 16
pp., title Cadillac for Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, line drawing of lady in
jodhpurs standing at rear of car, "V" & crest, Series 62
coupe against scenic background (p.2), line drawing of Series 60-S before town
hall (p.3), [as above, interior views with each model] Series 62 sedan. (p.4),
coupe (p.5), Series 62 convertible (p.6), sedan (p.7), coupe (p.8), Coupe de
Ville (p.9), Series 60-S sedan (pp.10-11), Series 75 sedan (p.12),
rear interior of sedan or limousine (p.13), motor (p.14), Hydra-Matic (p.15),
specifications (rear cover). Dated Jan.

(3) Commercial cars catalog The Choice of Cadillac is
a Sound Investment {*** ZTV sent photocopy of cover, in 1995, showing ambulance in
front of hospital entrance}.
(3a) Commercial cars catalog, issued by the Cadillac
Division of GM. It features typical professional car bodies built on Cadillac
chassis by the five specialists: Eureka, Hess & Eisenhardt, Meteor Motor Car Co., A.J.
Miller and Superior. It measures 9x12" and has 19 pages.

(4) Dutch product sheet, 2-tone blue, Series 61
sedan with technical specifications in Flemish on reverse;
(5) 2-tone orange booklet 20x13cms (7x5") [lf], 20
pp., title Cadillac = Body by Fisher, better than ever, orange cover with RH side
view Series 62 sedan, rear interior view (p.2), driver compartment (p.3), LH side
view Series 62 sedan + instrument panel (p.4), RH front view + rear window (p.5),
front and rear windows (p.6), side vision (p.7), body construction details (pp.8-9), RH
side view Series 60-S (pp.10-11), interior details (pp.12-13), touring equipment
and weather protection (pp.14-15), door and seat details (pp.16-17), paint and glass
(pp.18-19), traditional Fisher coach (rear cover).
(5a) Annual salesman's Data Book

(6) 1950 Cadillac accessories folder and brochure.
Features Syncro-Matic radio, Fleetwood Robes, Visor Vanity Mirror, Vacuum
Antenna and various Cadillac cleaning fluids.

(6a) Owner/operator manual

(6b) Folder on Dor-Gard protective
strip, 7x7½", 4 folds. Genuine Cadillac accessory {***}.
(6c) Fisher body booklet {***}.

(6d) Four-sided folder/card, Edmunds
Custom For Cadillac. This is A5 sized. It was published by Eddie Edmunds, in 1950,
for all Cadillac owners interested in boosting their car's horse power.

(6e) Dutch brochure from K. Landeweer on the 1950
models (the "spots" on the cdar are from a faulty scanner) - ZTV collection

(7) Small B&W booklet, 20x15cms. [lf], 12 pp., title General
Motors Le Sabre - an Experimental Laboratory on Wheels, RH side view on cover,
description GM experimental model that gave many styling features to Cadillac models of
early fifties; RH side view (p.3), canvas top operation (p.4), engine (p.5), convertible
top (p.6), hydraulic jacks (p.7), trunk area (p.8), instrument panel (p.9), specifications
(pp.10-11), LH front view with Harley Earl at wheel (rear cover).
(7a) Service Training program booklet

(8) Prestige catalog on Miller Centennial models (100th
anniversary), 9½x12", 16 pp., blue suede-like covers embossed in gold, shows 3
hearses and 1 flower car {***}.
(8a) Miller professional cars, in manila envelope,
circa 12x9½", with brochure stapled to the spine, circa 11x8½", includes
B&W photo of a Miller ambulance, circa 8½x6", and another brochure for the
Miller Cadillac Limousine. The inner brochure has 8 pp. plus two loose, 4 -pp.
supplements numbered 9-12 and 9a-12a.

(9) Color folder on Meteor commercial cars, opens to
17x23", shows 3 Cadillac hearses and 1 ambulance; also includes Chevrolet and Pontiac
models {***}.
(9a) S&S Cadillac Promotional Fold-Out Book
Brochure by Eureka, 12x8" opening to 24x16". Includes Superline
Knickerbocker, Superline Kensington, Superline Victoria, and many more.

(10) Superior professional funeral car, end loader,
2-sided sheet, 8½x11", blue, black and white, large picture of coach-builders
drawing {***}.
(11a) Superior hearse limousine specification sheet:

(11b) Single sheet on Cadillac Coupe De Fleur
flower car by Superior, 8½x10½"; reverse shows both Cadillac and
Superior specifications.
[ photo ?]
(12) Superior product catalog (hearses)

(12a) Folder on Superior-Cadillac Ambulances
entitled Dependable Performance, 10½x8¼", unfolds to 21" long {***}

(1) [best piece], color folder, 28x28cms (opens to
22x33"), RH front view of red Series 60-S before city monument, title Cadillac
for Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-One, inner LH fold = interior of Series60-S +
front view [grille]; RH fold = title Presenting the Wonderful 1951 Cadillac,
wedding scene, top RH side; next fold = Series 61 and Series 62 rear
interior views + [RH side] rear interior of Series 62 sedan + green & black
interior of Series 62 convertible; center fold [top] = blue Series 60-S,
far RH [top] = green Series 61 coupe, [below] = blue Series 61 sedan;
lower folds [LH - top] = blue Series 62 coupe, [below] = red convertible, [center
top] = gray sedan, [below] = 2-tone green Coupe de Ville, [RH - top] = black
Series 75 sedan or limousine with interior views below, rear cover [folded] = motor +
specifications. Dated 12/1950.

(1a) Booklet, "Cadillac Care", 8 page
non-color catalog, 9x6. Gray, white and black cover with Cadillac crest emblem, includes
11 photos and drawings of Service Department activities and publications "Designed to
keep Cadillac service on the same high plane as Cadillac cars" {***}

(2) Body by Fisher catalog, 5x7", 20 pp.

(2a) Owner/operator manual

(3) Folder on Eureka professional cars, opens to
18x24", large pictures of two hearses and one ambulance.
(3a) Folder on Superior professional cars.
part-color catalog, 8¼x10½" with 10 pages.:

(3b) Product sheet on the Superior Kensington

(4) 75th Anniversary catalog by S&S [Sayers
and Scovill], green, black and white, three Superline hearses shown on Cadillac
(5) Catalog of Miller commercial cars, 8x12", 12 pp.,
shows 2 funeral cars, 1 ambulance and 1 flower car {***}.
(5a) Product sheet on Miller Meteor hearses: Here are
the 1951 Miller Cadillacs

(6) S&S professional cars catalog,
8½x11", 12 pp., 75th Anniversary catalog, shows 3 funeral cars {***}.
(7) 1951 Cadillac owner's manual ($38)
(8) Annual Data Book:

(1) [best piece] color folder, 29x31cms, opens to
24x34½", white cover, RH side view of blue Series 60-S, red "V"
& crest with 1902-1952 above, title The Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Two
GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Cadillac on gold background (p.1), pale green Series 60-S
(p.2), motor (p.3), maroon Series 60-S with interior view (pp. 4-5), pale blue Series
62 coupe (p.6, top), red convertible (p.6, below), Series 62 interiors
(pp.7-8, top), green Series 62 Coupe de Ville (p.7, below), black Series
62 sedan (p.8, below), black Series 75 sedan or limousine (pp. 9-10) with
interior view (p.10, top), instrument panel, trunk, window controls (p.11), specifications
and notes on New 190 HP Engine, New Hydra-Matic Drive and New Power
Steering (p.12, rear cover).

(2) Small color folder, Dutch dealer K. Landeweer,
26x18cms. [lf], title Announcing the Golden Anniversary Cadillac ...with the finest
performance of all time, red Series 60-S on cover with "V"
& crest on globe, marked 1902-1952 Standard of the World, blue Series 62
convertible coupe and maroon Series75 imperial sedan (p.2), red Series 62
Coupe de Ville and green Series 62 sedan (p.3), specifications on rear
cover, all text in Fl except front cover.
(3) Belgian catalog, 2-tone green, 27x24cms [lf], 8 pp.,
RH front view of Series 62 sedan on cover, title De "GOLDEN
ANNIVERSARY" Cadillac 1952, style 6219 4-door sedan (p.3), style 6267-X
convertible coupe (p.4), style 6237-D Coupe de Ville (p.5), instrument panel,
trunk, hydraulic window controls (p.6), motor (p.7), specifications (p.8).
(4) Belgian sheet, 2-tone pink, 27x22cms [lf], RH front
view Series 62 sedan, title Cadillac 1952 over "V"
& crest, specifications in Flemish on reverse.
(4a) Norwegian sheet (as above but in Norwegian language)

(5) 2-tone blue booklet 20x13cms [lf], 23 pp., title Cadillac
= Body by Fisher on blue cover, RH side view Series 62 sedan (p.2), front
and rear views (p.3), rear interior view + instrument panel (p.4), rear interior view
(p.5), side vision (p.6), front and rear windows (p.7), rear interior view (p.8), driver's
compartment and rear leg room (p.9), door handles and interior details (p.10), coat hook
(p.11), more interior and extended details (p.12), body construction details (pp. 14-15),
luggage space (p.16), insulation (p.18), seat construction (p.18), seat mobility (p.19),
door construction (pp.20-21), paint and glass (pp.22-23).
(6) Color hand-out, distributed to visitors during
Cadillac plant tour, title Introducing Cadillac, folder opens to
(6a) Small color merchandising booklet (same size and
design as owner's manual)

(6b) Owner/operator manual

(6c) Small color folder of 1952 Cadillac accessories

(6d) Two-tone folder on Cadillac commercial cars

(6e) Annual Data Book:

(6f) Original booklet introducing and describing Power Steering on
the 1952 Cadillacs. Size is 6" x 4.5" with 12 pages.

(6g) Blue Coral special body wax treatment brochure

(6h) B&W folder on the Series
75 cars. Thanks to Cadillac enthusiast, Alden Jewell, for bringing this one to
my attention and providing a scan for the database.

(7) Color folder on Eureka professional cars:

(8) Color folder on Superior
ambulances, entitled Styled for Top Performance, 10½x8¼" closed,
21x8¼" opened. Includes main features and specifications.

(8a) Styled for Versatility,
ambulances by Superior Coach Corp.

(9) Small piece on Hess &
Eisenhardt S&S Superline Knickerbocker limousine, blue folder, 4½x12",
features 75th Anniversary emblem.
[ photo ? ]
(10) French comic strip entitled Brand New Cadillac
(reproduction copy) featuring Series 62 sedan
(11) Cadillac Employee Handbook entitled The
Craftsman's Heritage; soft cover, 40 pages. Has lots of insider photos, locker
rooms, cafeterias, Cadillac sport teams [this item offered for sale on e-Bay, 2/2004]

(1) [best piece] color catalog, 29x29cms, 12 pp., white
cover, couple admiring red Cadillac hood, gold keys [top RH], title Start of a
Wonderful Journey ... in a 1953 Cadillac [red Series 60-S leaving salesroom
(pp.2-3)], blue air-conditioning Series 62 sedan (p.4), blue/white Series 62
coupe, wire wheel cover, interior views, red rear (p.5), miscellaneous views and cars
including front of white Eldorado, interior of green convertible, side of blue
sedan, RH front view of black limousine, LH side view of cream Coupe de Ville
(pp.6-7), pale blue Series 62 convertible plus smaller views of miscellaneous
models including white Eldorado (pp.8-9), interior driver area (p.10), RH side
view white Eldorado (p.11), rear of Series 60-S plus cream/black Coupe
de Ville, red Series 62 convertible, tan Series 62 coupe, green Series
75 limousine, blue Series 62 sedan and white Eldorado (rear cover).
(2) Color folder, 29x29cms, opens to 23½x34½",
large gold "V" & crest with diamond and emerald (???) "V"
necklace below, on "V & crest" design [cloth?] background, title Cadillac
for Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Three, inner LH fold = front of maroon Series 60-S,
next fold = motor + instrument panel, rear fold = specifications + invitation to Inspect
and drive the New Standard of the World; next fold = blue Series 60-S
[covering 2 folds] with interior views [top]; center folds [top LH] = 2-tone gray Series
62 coupe, with interior view below [center] = green sedan also with interior view;
[top RH], front and rear views, tan Coupe de Ville with interior view; center
folds [lower LH] = yellow Series 62 convertible with red interior and black top,
[far RH] = dark blue Series 75 sedan or limousine with interior views.

(3) Eldorado color folder, 31x28cms, opens to
11x24", cover has RH front view of blue Eldorado with five persons, white
background, some red lettering, title Presenting the Cadillac Eldorado - a Special
sports convertible - built in the Finest Cadillac Tradition, only two inner folds
(pp.2-3) show bird's eye view of RH side of white Eldorado with red interior,
partial bird's eye view of yellow Eldorado with blue interior [below RH], line
drawings of body details [far LH and below], rear cover (p.4) shows bird's eye view of
front of red Eldorado with black interior + partial view of motor.

(3) Eldorado color folder
[unidentified - incomplete]; it is assumed to have been the cover of the press portfolio
distributed at the inauguration showing in January 1953.

(3a) Mailer catalog: Precision is our watchword.
This is a 1953 Cadillac Dealership Mailer Brochure from George
S. Paddleford Cadillac in Palo Alto, CA. It is believed to have been reserved for dealers
only. It measures 6x9¼" closed and 6x18½" opened. It is printed on glossy,
heavy card stock.

(3b) Mailer Yours for as Long as you care ???
(3b) Color mailer, folder, 9x6", opening to 18x6" entitled Yours
for as Long as you Can... Inner folds read Let us Condition your Car this

(4) Swiss color catalog (D), 30x21cms [lf], 12 pp. ring
binding left, "V" & crest on ruby-shaped and colored background
with ornate title Cadillac, below; blue Series 62 sedan (p.4), red
convertible (p.5), pale green Series 60-S (p.6), dark green Coupe de Ville
(p.7), B&W motor and instrument panel (p.8), black Series 75 sedan (p.9),
specifications (p.10), GM emblem, rear cover ($135).
(5) Same as above but in French.
(6) Commercial Cars catalog Cadillac for 1953
Commercial cars catalog Masterwork of the Motoring Age {*** ZTV sent photocopy of
cover, 1995, showing Fleetwood Series 75 limousine}.
(7) Illustrated accessories catalog, stiff card,
4½x7½", 16pp.{***}.

(7a) Non color catalog, 8½x11", 20
pages and non-color folder, also non color folder; a special issue of the Fisher Body
Service News devoted to the 1953 Cadillac Eldorado, showing complete operation of
the convertible top, body and window repair, top operation, etc, also included is a
service news index for 1953 {*}
(7b) Advertising booklet of GM models for 1955,
including Buick Skylark, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Cadillac, 9x5", opening to

(7c) Owner's Manual

(7d) Blue Coral special body wax treatment brochure

(8) Small, 2-tone sepia folder, Dutch, 25x19cms, cover has
RH front view of 2-tone style 6237-D Coupe de Ville with lake in background, style
6267-X convertible against French château background (p.2), style 6219
sedan on similar background (p.3), technical details rear cover (p.4).

(8a) Folder on custom "Fina Sport"
model, on Cadillac chassis, by Perry and Joseph Fina. Beautiful invitation-style
announcement for the 1953 Fina Sport handcrafted sports car. Uses Cadillac V-8 engine.
Lincoln or Chrysler V-8 could also be ordered. Vignale aluminum body. Measures 6.25 x
4.75; opens to 4x closed size. Has actual color photograph on inside page. Actual
car only came out in 1954.
[ photo ]
(8b Folder on Fina Sport
roadster by Perry Fina. One of these was built on the Cadillac chassis and bodied by
the Italian coach builder, Vignale. That is NOT the car illustrated here. Just looking at
the Cadillac "V" on the cover, I would iamgine that the preceding folder was
much the same as this one.

(9) Large B&W catalog of Hess & Eisenhardt S&S
ambulances and hearses, 40x28cms, 16 pp., white cover with gold S&S insignia,
Cadillac crest, embossed World Standard, title We Proudly Present the Finest
Cars ever to Bear the S&S Name; views of S&S designs for Cadillac rear
fenders and loading door (p.4), Knickerbocker hearse (p.5), interior details
(p.6), Victoria hearse with landau bars (p.7), more interior details (p.8), Florentine
flower car (p.9), ambulance interior details (p.10), Kensington ambulance (p.11),
construction details (pp.12-13), specifications (p.15).

(10) [special service item ???] stiff cardboard folder
[maybe portfolio] entitled Cadillac Thoro-Check Owner's Report, black letters on
red cover, gold "V" & crest [cover only - checklist missing] ($18).
(11) Cadillac Accessories: part colored folder,
16 pp. 8x5. White cover, with red, white and black lettering, photo of emblem over emerald
and diamond necklace. Thirty photo renderings and drawings show options Dated 1953.

(11a) Shop Manual, with "Body by
Fisher" 19-page supplement on the bespoke Eldorado
(11b) Brochure on air-conditioning
systems in 1953 cars

(11c) Seat cover samples booklets

(12) Catalog of professional cars by A.J.
Miller of Bellefontaine, OH

(13) Catalog of professional cars by Superior

(13a) Superior-Cadillac
Promotional Fold-Out Book, 10x10", folds out to 29½x 10".
Features Superior-Cadillac Ambulance, new rattle-free dispensary cabinet, Safe-T-Bar
door locks, Cam-Loc fastener, Superior construction, incomparable
performance report, Superior-Cadillac Rescuer ambulance, specifications
and much more.

(14) S&S hearse by Hess & Eisenhardt, original
cardboard standup counter display in shape of Superline Victoria model. Measures
11¾x3". Black and white.
(15) From the 1963 card series, World on Wheels: #74 Cadillac Eldorado

This 2x3 inch card is part of a set
depicting various Cadillac models of the fifties
(1) [best piece] large color catalog, 32x34cms,, blue
cover, white center with dark blue border, embossed "V" & crest
with embossed necklace below "V", title (in gold letters) Cadillac
for 1954, original envelope with brown "V" & crest and blue
necklace below [at top, LH side], front grille of gray car with admiring couple (p.3), Series
60-S instrument panel, with couple looking on (pp.4-5), light gray Series 60-S
with interior views and red front of car (pp.6-7), top view of yellow Series 62
with black top (p.8), top view of jockey and horse (p.9), blue Series 62 sedan
with interior, green trunk area (pp.10-11), 2-tone gray Series 62 coupe, green
interior, gray door panel and hood emblem (pp.12-13), pale blue and pale green Series
62S Coupe de Ville with steering wheel and green interior (pp.14-15), red Series
62 convertible, with top view of green interior, and other details (pp.16-17), two Eldorados
(one pale blue, open, other yellow with red interior and black top up], two interior views
(pp.18-19), rear end of blue Fleetwood Series 75 limousine (p.20), two Series
75 mood photos (p.21), one maroon, one green Series 75 sedan and limousine
with interior views (pp.22-23), notes on performance (pp.24-25), notes on motor and Hydra-Matic
(pp.26-27), notes on air-conditioning (p.28), power-steering and power brakes (p.29),
interior styling themes (pp.30-31), accessories and details (pp.32-33), specifications and
RH rear view of 2-tone tan Series 60-S (rear cover).
(2) Standard color folder [format No. 6], 25x25cms, mostly
same illustration as item (1), title Cadillac for 1954 - the Greatest Year in the
History of a Great American Motor Car, front grille of gray sedan with couple looking
on (p.1, cover), light gray Series 60-S with interior views and red front of car
(pp.2-3), rear view 2-tone gray Series 62 coupe (p.4), blue Series 62
sedan (pp.4-5), interior views (p.5), motor + Hydra-Matic (p.6), power brakes,
power steering, air-conditioning (p.7), red Series 62 convertible with top view
of green interior (p.8), green Coupe de Ville with interior view (p.9), yellow Eldorado
with red interior view (p.10), red Series 75 sedan with 2 interior views (p.11),
couple admiring 2-tone tan Series 60-S (p.12, rear cover). Dated Dec. 1953 ($38)

(3) Color catalog, 29x29cms (11½x11½"), 16 pp.,
photo montage on cover featuring lady in blue, in gown by Paris designer Jacques Fath,
with Cadillac steering wheel and blue sedan, title Styled to be Copied for Years to
Come, Harley Earl in Styling Studio behind gray scale-model (p.2), RH side view of
yellow Eldorado (p.3), light gray Series 60-S with Earl below (pp.4-5),
rear of 2-tone tan Series 62 coupe, Earl behind door of yellow Eldorado
(p.6), front grille of blue car, hub cap, windshield (p.7), LH side view of blue Series
62 sedan and RH side view of maroon Series 60-S with Earl at rear of yellow Eldorado
(p.8), LH side view of white Series 60-S + ¾-RH front view of air-conditioning Series
62 sedan (p.9), Earl overlooking interior of yellow Eldorado (p.10), blue
sedan interior + material selections (p.11), Earl by front of yellow Eldorado,
¾-RH front view of 2-tone tan Series 62 coupe, ¾-LH front view of Series 75
limousine, ¾-LH front view of pale green Series 62 convertible (p.12), ¾-RH
front view of maroon Series 60-S, ¾-LH front view of pale blue Series 62
sedan, same view of yellow Eldorado, RH side view of blue Coupe de Ville
with white roof (p.13), Styling Division staff by hood of blue sedan (pp.14-15), front
grille of tan sedan (p.16, rear cover).

This item is square; the top of the image has been
(4) Color catalog, 30x30cms, 12 pp., title Wonderful
Things Happen... [cover] ...when you Move up to a 1954 Cadillac [p.3], LH
front bird's eye view of red Eldorado with lady and poodle (cover), ¾-RH front,
view of gray Series 60-S in front of Cadillac showroom (p.2), ¾-LH rear view of
yellow Coupe de Ville with black top, at horse race track (p.3), ¾-RH front view
of yellow Eldorado on sandstone forecourt (p.4), ¾-RH front view of blue Series
62 coupe with white roof (p.5), ¾-RH front view of 2-tone tan Series 62
coupe in front of mansion (p.6), RH side view of 2-tone blue Series 60-S (p.7),
¾-LH rear view of light gray Series 75 limousine outside hotel at night (p.8),
,¾-LH bird's eye view of yellow Eldorado by triangular swimming pool (p.9),
¾-LH front view of blue Series 62 sedan in city scene (p.10), ¾-LH rear view of
pale green Series 62 convertible (p.11), ¾-LH rear view of tail fins (rear
(5) Swiss color catalog, 30x21cms, 12 pp., ring-binder,
black cover with "V" & crest over emerald-colored and shaped
background with ornate Cadillac script below, B&W front grille (interior
cover), ¾-front LH view of blue 4-door Series 62 sedan (p.4), ¾-front LH view of red Series
62 convertible (p.5), ¾-front LH view of pale green Series 60-S (p.6), LH
side view of green Coupe de Ville (p.7), B&W motor + instrument panel (p.8),
¾-front RH view of black Series 75 sedan (p.9), specifications (p.10), B&W
rear view of Series 60-S (p.11).

(6) Belgian folder [format No. 4a], 2-tone blue, "V"
& crest on cover with title Cadillac 1954 below, instrument panel + steering
wheel (p.2), motor (p.3), style 6219 4-door sedan (pp. 4-5), style 6267
convertible (p.6, below), style 6019 4-door sedan (p.7, below), style 6237-D
Coupe de Ville (pp.6-7, top], specifications (p.8, rear cover).
(7) Air-conditioning color folder, 10x22cms, 16 folds,
title For a Wonderful Motoring Experience... Step into an Air Conditioned Cadillac{*}
(8) Color hand-out, distributed to visitors during
Cadillac plant tour, title Introducing Cadillac, folder opens to
(9) Single color sheet, 28x21cms [lf], title '54
Cadillac Californian, ¾-rear RH view of lilac Coupe de Ville
with Californian continental kit, photographed at the famous Ciro's
restaurant on LA's Sunset Strip.
(9a) Hess & Eisenhardt brochure on S&S
ambulance models

(10) Folder of Meteor funeral coaches and
ambulance [format No. 6], opens to 17x33", 3-tone [red, green & blue], "V"
& crest on cover, title For 1954 ... The Genius of Two Continents Unite to Produce
Meteor Funeral Coaches and Ambulances [reference to British designer Albert H. Walker
joining the Meteor team], Statesman landau funeral car (p.4), Emissary
combination coach (p.5), interior views of loading tray (pp. 6-7), Courier flower
car + Envoy limousine ambulance (p.9), Diplomat limousine funeral car
(pp.10-11), intertwined globes (rear cover).
(11) Meteor professional cars, part color folder,
opens to 11x17", There's only One Right Turn for 1954, large pictures of Statesman
Landau hearse {***}.
(12) Meteor professional cars, part color folder,
opens to 11x17", The 1954 Procession's Coming with Meteor in the Lead, large
pictures of Continental Silhouette hearse{***}.
(13) Full and part color folder on Superior ambulances,
8½x11" (opens to 26x11"), You own the finest styling and performance...
full color green ambulance on cover. ($30)

(14a) S&S original non color folder from Hess & Eisenhardt, Announcing
Superline Cars. Includes Knickerbocker and Victoria hearses, and Kensington
ambulance and features. Measures 8¾x12¾" closed, 16¾x12¾" opened.

(14b) Accessories catalog, Data Book, color &
upholstery book

(14c) Booklet folder
on operation and care of convertible top, non color, 6x4½", 14 pages. Explains also
how to operate the folding top on the 1954 Cadillac convertibles.

(14d) Preview of 1954 GM models, with section
on Cadillac, 9x6", 20 pages, entitled 1954 Preview of the New GM Cars

(15 a, b, c, d) Miscellaneous other literature for 1954:

(Left and center)
In-house magazines: Cadillac Craftsman
(Right) Flat-rate schedule of costs and time for repairs and maintenance

(left) GM Annual Report
(Right) small, color card (part
of an older set on fifties models)

Dealer invitation card
(16) Frick Tappet brochure on
the Frick designed Fordillac (a regular Ford sedan powered by a 1954 Cadillac

(17) Folder on custom
roadster-coupe by Vignale, Italy

James Joseph Irvin - a visitor to the CLC Message
Board in January, 2003, wrote: Like most people, I search E-bay and I found a
grouping of original Cadillac photo albums. I really didn't know much about these but I
figured they have to be mine. The first album is from 1954, it has approximately 1200
photos from Cadillacs own in house photographer of day-to-day life at the Cadillac plant -
Cadillacs being assembled, Concept Cadillacs, famous people picking up their Cadillacs
(Nat King Cole, Soupy Sails, etc.) V.I.P.s Plant photos, Beautiful models and the list
goes on. The second album is from 1955 it has approximately 800 photos. Liberace's
Cadillac, 1955 workers strike, V.I.P.s Cadillacs stoned, Cadillac delivery truck (very
cool), models, auto show, several pre-1940 Cadillacs; there's just too much too list. I
have been contacted by several people, these were not known to exist and have created
quite a stir. I would like to know if anybody has any information about these that might
be able to help me. I am willing to sell for my interest in Cadillacs years fall between
It turns out that quite a number of these EXCEEDINGLY RARE
factory albums were recovered from a dumpster (!!!) by someone who had his head screwed on
the right way. All were subsequently offered for sale on e-Bay (Internet auction site).
Fortunately, some of them were able to be acquired by the Cadillac-La Salle Club
Museum and Research Center. The most interesting among these MANY photos will
be scanned and many will gradually be incorporated in The
(new) Cadillac Database© for your viewing pleasure.