Car Body #574

As of May 3, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #574 joined the BOA [Brougham Owners Association] in the Summer of 2002. I hope to hear soon from its owner, Bill Olsen of Santa Fe, NM. Bill says he has had the car since 1989; it still has the drinking goblets, the vanity case, note book, mirror, atomizer and owner's manual. He sent the photos below, in October 2010.

Car Body #574

[Feb.01.2017] Car #574 joined the BOA [Brougham Owners Association] in the Summer of 2002. I hope to hear soon from its owner, Bill Olsen of Santa Fe, NM. Bill says he has had the car since 1989; it still has the drinking goblets, the vanity case, note book, mirror, atomizer and owner's manual. He sent the photos below, in October 2010.