Car Body #16

As of May 8, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] [1986]: Don McCullin purchased this car from Jerry Schantz in Ormond Beach FL.

[June, 2016]: Don McCullin's nephew Adam provided an update. The car was in storage since Don purchased it in 1986 and it is currently undergoing a complete concourse restoration. Five of the 1960 Broughams were painted maroon (plum) - #16, 32, 64, 67 and 85. All of these five cars are now accounted for. 60 EB #32 is in Australia, 60 EB #67 is in Florida, 60 EB #85 in South Carolina, and 60 EB #64 was sold by VIP Classics of San Diego, CA, in 1999-2000 for around $20K as per the updates provided by Jason Frey regarding 60 EB #67.

Car Body #16

[Feb.01.2017] [1986]: Don McCullin purchased this car from Jerry Schantz in Ormond Beach FL.

[June, 2016]: Don McCullin's nephew Adam provided an update. The car was in storage since Don purchased it in 1986 and it is currently undergoing a complete concourse restoration. Five of the 1960 Broughams were painted maroon (plum) - #16, 32, 64, 67 and 85. All of these five cars are now accounted for. 60 EB #32 is in Australia, 60 EB #67 is in Florida, 60 EB #85 in South Carolina, and 60 EB #64 was sold by VIP Classics of San Diego, CA, in 1999-2000 for around $20K as per the updates provided by Jason Frey regarding 60 EB #67.