Car Body #22

As of May 20, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #22 was owned in the late seventies by John Miller of Natick, NY. At that time he owned also 1957-58 Broughams #105, 199 and 305, as well as 1960 Broughams#75 and 97. John had car #22 offered for sale for $500 in the late seventies; he said it ran excellent, was on air-ride and needed some body work. Late Extra (Feb. 2002): This from EB owner/admirer Jean-Claude Franchitti (58EB#479, 59EB#23, 60EB#58 and 60EB#68): I recently spoke to Bob Morriston about 60EB #22; he has it for sale in Hemmings, and is looking for $11K for it. His number is (561) 562-7707.

Car Body #22

[Feb.01.2017] Car #22 was owned in the late seventies by John Miller of Natick, NY. At that time he owned also 1957-58 Broughams #105, 199 and 305, as well as 1960 Broughams#75 and 97. John had car #22 offered for sale for $500 in the late seventies; he said it ran excellent, was on air-ride and needed some body work. Late Extra (Feb. 2002): This from EB owner/admirer Jean-Claude Franchitti (58EB#479, 59EB#23, 60EB#58 and 60EB#68): I recently spoke to Bob Morriston about 60EB #22; he has it for sale in Hemmings, and is looking for $11K for it. His number is (561) 562-7707.