
As of May 19, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

Users of the Database wonder why I have such a great interest in the Brougham yet never owned one. Well, among my many faults, I am a procrastinator. I think too much ...instead of acting! I could weep just thinking of the number of GOOD to EXCELLENT 19...


[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

Users of the Database wonder why I have such a great interest in the Brougham yet never owned one. Well, among my many faults, I am a procrastinator. I think too much ...instead of acting! I could weep just thinking of the number of GOOD to EXCELLENT 19...